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How to Use Text-to-Vote and SMS Polls

Aug 15, 2024

Engaging your audience effectively can mean the difference between passive listeners and actively involved participants. At Textedly, we understand the transformative power of direct engagement tools like Text-to-Vote and SMS Polls.

This blog explores how text-to-vote and SMS polls not only enhance audience interaction but also foster a sense of inclusivity and responsiveness in any setting. 

Table of Contents 

What are Text-to-Vote and SMS Polls?

Text-to-vote and SMS polls are interactive tools designed to gather instant feedback from audiences by allowing them to respond to questions via text messages. These tools generate engagement and provide real-time insights into your audience’s feelings, opinions and behaviors.

Text polls can be useful in a variety of settings, such as:

  • Event engagement: Organizers of conferences, workshops, or community gatherings can use SMS polls to gather attendees' opinions on different aspects, such as session choices, feedback on speakers, or decisions on event activities.
  • Market research: A company can send out SMS polls targeting specific demographics to gather insights on consumer preferences or test reactions to new product concepts. 
  • Educational feedback and assessment: Teachers or administrators can send SMS polls to students to rate lessons, provide feedback on teaching methods, or answer quiz questions as part of a class assessment. 

How Do Text Polls Work?

Text polls operate through a straightforward process:

  1. Creating the Poll: Organizations create a poll question, ensuring it is clear and concise. The question should be easy to understand and answer, with predefined response options if necessary (e.g., yes/no, multiple choice).
  2. Distributing the Poll: Using a texting platform, the SMS poll question is sent out to a list of recipients. This can be done in bulk, targeting a specific audience segment or the entire contact list.
  3. Receiving Responses: Participants receive the text poll on their mobile devices and respond by texting back their answers. Responses are typically short, such as a single word or number corresponding to an option.
  4. Collecting and Analyzing Data: The texting platform collects all incoming responses and compiles the data in real time. This allows organizations to quickly analyze feedback and make data-driven decisions.

Benefits of Using SMS Polls

Real-Time Feedback 

SMS polls provide immediate insights and responses from participants, making them invaluable for real-time feedback in scenarios such as live events, emergency updates, and decision-making during meetings. This instant feedback helps organizations make timely and informed decisions.

High Engagement Rates 

One of the standout benefits of SMS polls is their remarkably high open and response rates compared to other polling methods. Response rates for SMS polls can reach up to 45%, compared to just 6% for email surveys.

For example, a church using SMS polls to gather feedback on sermon topics or event preferences can expect nearly all recipients to read the message, with almost half responding promptly. This high level of engagement ensures that organizations receive timely and relevant feedback, making SMS polls a highly effective tool for real-time communication and decision-making.

Ease of Use and Convenience 

Setting up an SMS poll is straightforward: simply draft a concise question, select your audience, and send out the poll via your texting platform. No complex software or technical expertise is required.

For participants, the process is even simpler. They only need their mobile phones to receive the poll and respond with a quick text message. This eliminates the need for internet access or additional apps, making it incredibly convenient for users. Whether they are at home, at work, or on the go, participants can easily engage with the poll, ensuring high response rates and valuable real-time feedback.

How to Create and Send SMS Polls

Choose the Right Platform 

Choosing the right SMS polling platform is essential for gathering valuable feedback and maximizing engagement. When selecting a platform, prioritize ease of use, ensuring it offers an intuitive interface for setting up and managing polls without technical expertise. Look for customization options that allow you to tailor questions, responses, and automated replies to fit your specific needs.

 Integration capabilities with existing tools like CRM systems and data analytics software are crucial for seamless workflow and consistent data management. And real-time analytics and reporting features provide instant access to response data, enabling timely decision-making. By focusing on these key features, you can choose an SMS polling platform that aligns with your organization’s needs.

Craft Effective Poll Questions 

Focus on simplicity and clarity; avoid jargon and ensure each question is easy to understand at a glance. Keep your questions relevant to your audience's interests and needs, as this will increase engagement and response rates. Use engaging language that resonates with your participants, and consider offering multiple-choice answers to make responding quick and straightforward. 

Remember, the more relevant and engaging your questions, the more likely you are to receive thoughtful and useful responses.

Send Your SMS Poll 

Log into your SMS polling platform and create a new poll. Next, define your target audience and select the appropriate distribution list. Schedule the poll to ensure it reaches recipients at a convenient time, avoiding peak hours or busy periods. 

Remember to maintain a balance in frequency to prevent message fatigue while ensuring timely feedback. Finally, review and send the poll, monitoring responses in real-time through the platform's analytics. 

By following these steps and adhering to best practices, you can effectively engage your audience and gather valuable insights through SMS polls.

Analyze Poll Results 

Start by reviewing quantitative data such as response rates and distribution of answers to understand overall sentiment. Look for trends or patterns in the responses that can uncover preferences or concerns among your audience. 

Qualitative feedback, often provided through open-ended responses, offers deeper insights into participants' thoughts and suggestions. Pay attention to key metrics like engagement levels and demographic trends to tailor future communications effectively. Ultimately, leveraging these insights enables organizations to refine strategies and foster stronger connections with their community through informed decision-making.


Use Cases for SMS Polls 

Event Feedback 

Event organizers can leverage SMS polls to gather valuable attendee feedback swiftly and effectively. SMS polls can also be used to collect preferences for event topics or formats, ensuring that future events are tailored to attendee preferences and expectations.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys 

SMS polls provide a direct and convenient channel for customers to share their feedback immediately after an interaction, capturing their sentiments when they are most relevant and fresh. This real-time feedback allows businesses to promptly address any issues or concerns, improving customer retention and loyalty. 

Additionally, SMS polls have high response rates compared to traditional methods like email surveys, ensuring a broader and more representative sample of customer opinions. 

Internal Employee Surveys 

By sending quick surveys via SMS, organizations can promptly collect insights on various aspects such as job satisfaction, workplace culture, and suggestions for improvement. SMS polls provide a convenient and non-intrusive method for employees to share their opinions anonymously, fostering open communication and trust. 

Real-time feedback allows management to address concerns promptly, boost morale, and enhance employee engagement. 

Market Research 

Companies use SMS polls for quick market research, gathering insights on consumer preferences, purchasing behaviors, and brand perceptions. Market research is well-suited for SMS polls due to their ability to quickly reach a broad demographic, gather real-time insights on consumer preferences and behaviors, and offer a convenient, non-intrusive way for participants to respond, ensuring high response rates and valuable data collection.

Start Sending out SMS Polls today with Textedly

Whether you're looking to enhance event experiences, improve customer satisfaction, or foster employee engagement, SMS polls provide a direct and efficient way to gather valuable insights. Sign up for Textedly Today to explore how SMS polls can elevate your feedback and engagement efforts.