SMS Marketing | Textedly Blog

How to Ask for Donations With SMS + Templates

Written by Karlee Reistroffer | July 18, 2024

SMS has become a key fundraising tool, offering instant reach and personal connection. It complements traditional donation methods, providing timely, engaging appeals directly to your supporters’ mobile devices. Texting allows nonprofits, political parties, churches and other organizations relying on donations to respond quickly to urgent needs, sustain campaigns, and boost donor engagement.

So let's discover how you can ask for donations with SMS effectively.

Table of Contents 


The Power of SMS in Fundraising

Almost everyone has a mobile phone, making SMS a universal channel that can reach a broad and diverse audience. This easy accessibility ensures that fundraising messages can be delivered to supporters across different demographics, including those who may not be as active on social media or email. By incorporating SMS into their strategy, organizations can tap into a wider pool of potential donors, maximizing their fundraising potential.

The power of using SMS to ask for donations lies in its immediate, personal and highly engaging nature. This results in stronger connections with the supporters, more timely responses and ultimately achieving your fundraising goals more effectively. 


Tips for Crafting Effective SMS Donation Requests 

Creating a compelling SMS donation request is an art that combines brevity, clarity and emotional resonance. The essentials of a successful SMS donation message include a clear and urgent call to action, personalization to make the recipient feel valued and a concise explanation of the impact their donation will have. 

Start with a friendly greeting that addresses the recipient by name, followed by a short but powerful statement that highlights the importance of their support. Include a direct link to donate or a keyword to reply with for immediate engagement. 

Read more: 10-Point Checklist for a Successful SMS Marketing Campaign 


Personalize Your Message

Personalization is the key to standing out and creating genuine connections, especially in donor engagement. Personalizing your messages goes beyond simply addressing recipients by their first name; it involves tailoring the content to resonate with their interests and unique motivations for supporting your cause. 

By leveraging data and insights to craft compelling, personalized messages, you create a more meaningful and impactful donor experience, ultimately fostering stronger relationships and driving greater support for your mission.


Clarify the Cause 

Clarity is paramount when it comes to communicating your cause and how donations will be utilized. Potential donors are more likely to contribute when they have a clear understanding of the impact their support will make. 

By transparently outlining your campaign's specific goals and detailing how funds will be allocated, you build trust and credibility. This transparency not only reassures donors that their contributions are being used effectively but also strengthens their emotional connection to your cause. 


Make Giving Easy

Convenience is crucial in donor engagement. By providing a direct link or simple instructions to donate via text, you eliminate common barriers and make the giving process seamless and hassle-free. When potential donors receive a clear and straightforward pathway to contribute, they're less likely to abandon their good intentions due to complicated or time-consuming procedures. A streamlined donation process not only improves the donor experience but also increases the likelihood of immediate action.


Follow Up

Implementing a well-timed follow-up strategy is crucial for maximizing donor engagement and ensuring your message doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. A thoughtful follow-up message serves as a gentle reminder, rekindling interest and prompting action from those who may have intended to donate but got sidetracked. 

Timing is key. Sending your follow-up at an optimal moment—such as a few days after the initial contact or just before a campaign deadline—can significantly enhance its effectiveness. By striking the right balance between persistence and politeness, you demonstrate your commitment to the cause and respect for the donor’s time.


7 SMS Donation Request Templates 

Here are five short donation message templates designed to engage and inspire potential donors. For maximum effectiveness, tailor the specific details of each template to fit your organization’s voice and the unique attributes of each donor.

The Personal Touch 

Hi [Recipient Name], it's [Your Name] from [Organization]. Your support has always made a difference. 🌟 Today, we're reaching out to ask if you'd consider a gift of [Amount] to help us continue [Specific Action or Project]. Your donation directly contributes to [Specific Outcome]. Together, we can make a real change.  [Link]


Hey [Name], as a valued member of our [Organization/Community] family, your presence and support mean everything. Today, we're calling on you to help us reach our goal of [Amount], which will allow us to [Specific Project or Activity], strengthening our community like never before. 🤝 Let's make an impact together! [Link]


Dear [Name], imagine a world where [Describe the Beneficial Change]. With your help, we're making it a reality at [Organization]. A donation of just [Amount] can [Achieve a Specific Outcome]. Be the hero in someone's story today. 🎈[Link]


The Urgent Cause 

[Name], we urgently need your help. Every [Amount] donated before [Deadline] helps us [Achieve a Specific Immediate Goal], impacting lives directly. Your prompt response can change everything. Please, let's unite for this cause. ✊ Donate here: [Link]


[Name], just a gentle reminder: Our deadline for [Specific Project/Goal] is fast approaching. A gift of any size by [Deadline] can make a huge difference. We're so close to our goal – your support could help us cross the finish line. 🏁 [Link]


The Thank You Request 

Hello [Name], your past support has been invaluable to us at [Organization] and we are so grateful. 🙏 Looking ahead, your contribution of [Amount] can help us achieve [Describe Future Goal or Project], ensuring a brighter future for many. Will you join us again on this journey? [Link]


Hi [Name], your support has been a lifeline. 🙏 We're reaching out again as we embark on [New Project/Goal]. Your contribution of [Amount] could make a real difference. Let's continue this journey together. Your faith in our cause means the world to us. Donate here: [Link]


Integrating SMS with Other Fundraising Channels 

Integrating SMS with other donation request methods can maximize donor engagement and contributions. SMS offers immediacy and directness, making it an ideal complement to traditional channels like email campaigns, social media outreach and in-person events.


Email Campaign Follow-Ups 

Leveraging SMS as a follow-up tool for email campaigns can significantly enhance donor response rates and engagement. After sending out a detailed email appeal, a concise and timely SMS can serve as a powerful reminder, nudging recipients to take action on the information they've received. 

By sending a short, personalized text that references the email and includes a direct link to the donation page, you create a seamless and immediate pathway for supporters to contribute. 


Event-Driven Alerts 

Staying top of mind is crucial for maximizing attendance and participation. That's where SMS shines as a powerful tool for event-driven alerts. Whether it's promoting an upcoming fundraiser, reminding supporters about registration deadlines, or sending real-time updates during the event itself, SMS ensures that your message reaches recipients directly and instantly. 


Social Media Amplification 

By sending out targeted messages with compelling content or urgent calls to action, such as sharing a post, participating in a campaign, or donating through a social media platform, nonprofits can capitalize on the immediacy and personalization of SMS to mobilize their audience effectively. This integrated approach not only increases the visibility of social media campaigns but also fosters deeper engagement and participation, ultimately driving greater impact for the cause at hand.


Use Textedly to Send Donation SMS

Put your donation request messages on autopilot with Textedly. Our platform allows you to customize your approach while staying compliant with the regulations. The best part? You can easily set up text-to-donate campaigns

Fundraising with SMS has never been easier. Get started with a 14-day free trial of Textedly today!