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How To Create An Out-Of-Office Text Message

Sep 3, 2024

Communication is key for both professional and personal success. Yet, when we're away from our phones or out of the office, the risk of miscommunication or overlooked messages looms large. That's where an effective out-of-office text message can be a game-changer. A thoughtful and clear out-of-office response can be a vital component of maintaining smooth and efficient communication.

An effective out-of-office text message ensures that your contacts are promptly informed of your unavailability, reducing the likelihood of confusion and frustration. By clearly stating your absence, providing alternative contacts, and setting realistic expectations for when you'll be available again, you keep the lines of communication open and manage expectations effectively. This small yet impactful message can make a significant difference in how your professional and personal contacts navigate your absence, ensuring that everything runs smoothly even while you're away.

Table of Contents

Why Use Out-of-Office Text Messages? 

Setting clear expectations for response times and providing alternative contact information can significantly benefit both your professional and personal interactions. When you inform others about your unavailability and offer guidance on when they can expect a reply, you minimize potential frustration and prevent unnecessary follow-ups. Providing alternative contact options ensures that urgent matters can still be addressed promptly, even in your absence. This proactive approach not only helps manage expectations but also demonstrates professionalism and consideration, ultimately fostering smoother and more effective communication across all your interactions.

Benefits of Setting Expectations for Response Time and Alternative Contact Information:

  • Reduces Uncertainty: Clearly stating when you'll be available again helps manage expectations and prevents frustration from uncertainty.
  • Enhances Efficiency: Providing an estimated response time ensures that others know when to expect a reply, helping them plan their follow-up actions accordingly.
  • Facilitates Immediate Assistance: Offering alternative contact information ensures that urgent matters can be addressed swiftly, even in your absence.
  • Promotes Professionalism: A well-crafted out-of-office message demonstrates your organizational skills and respect for others’ time, reinforcing your professionalism.
  • Minimizes Miscommunication: Clear communication about your unavailability prevents misunderstandings and ensures that all parties are on the same page.

How To Set Up Out-of-Office Text Messages 

Textedly simplifies the process of setting up and managing out-of-office messages, ensuring you stay organized and responsive even when you're away. With Textedly, you can easily craft and schedule automated out of office texts  that will be sent to anyone who contacts you while you're unavailable. The platform allows for customizable messages, enabling you to include specific details about your return date and alternative contact options. Plus, Textedly's user-friendly dashboard ensures that you can update or adjust your messages in real-time, providing a seamless way to manage your communications. By leveraging Textedly's features, you can maintain professionalism and keep your contacts well-informed, all with minimal effort.

Tips for Writing Effective Out-of-Office Text Messages 

  • Be concise and clear: Clearly state your absence dates, provide alternative contact details, and mention when you’ll be available again to ensure clarity and efficiency.
  • Include essential information (dates, reason for absence, alternative contacts): Clearly mention your absence dates, the reason for your unavailability (if appropriate), and alternative contact details to ensure the recipient has all the necessary information for effective communication.
  • Set expectations for response time: Clearly indicate when you will be able to respond to messages or provide an estimated timeframe for when the sender can expect a reply to manage expectations and reduce uncertainty.
  • Use a professional yet friendly tone: Craft your out-of-office message with a courteous and approachable tone to maintain professionalism while ensuring your response feels personable and considerate.

Out-of-Office Text Message Templates 

General OOO Messages 

Hi, I'm currently out of the office and will return on [Date]. I have limited access to messages during this time. For urgent matters, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Phone]. Thanks for your patience!


Business Trip OOO Messages 

I’m currently OOO on a business trip and will be unavailable until [Date]. Please reach out to [Alternative Contact Name] for urgent matters. Thank you!


Vacation OOO Messages

Hi there! I’m currently on vacation and will be out of the office until [Date].  If you need immediate help, please reach out to [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Phone].  Thank you!


Sick Leave OOO Messages

Hi, I will be out of the office on sick leave and will be unavailable until [Date]. I have limited access to messages. For urgent matters, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Phone].


Holiday OOO Messages 

Hi, we are out of office for the holidays and will return on [Date]. We will get back to you as soon as possible after the holidays. Happy Holidays!


Emergency OOO Messages

Hi, I’m currently out of the office due to an emergency and will be unavailable until [Date]. For urgent matters, please contact [Alternative Contact Name] at [Alternative Contact Phone]. I appreciate your understanding.

Best Practices for OOO Text Messages 

  • Regularly update your OOO messages
  • Test your OOO setup to ensure it works correctly.
  • Ensure compliance with company policies and guidelines.
  • Consider adding a personal touch or useful information (e.g., links to FAQs).


Start Using OOO Text Messages With Textedly 

In this blog post we highlighted the importance of crafting well-thought-out out-of-office (OOO) messages, including setting clear expectations for response times, providing alternative contact information, and maintaining a professional yet friendly tone. By utilizing these strategies, you can ensure that your absence doesn’t disrupt communication and that your contacts remain informed and satisfied.

Textedly offers a seamless solution for setting up and managing your OOO messages, allowing you to automate responses and keep everything organized with minimal effort. With Textedly’s user-friendly platform, you can easily create, schedule, and adjust your OOO messages, ensuring you maintain professionalism and efficiency even while away.

Ready to streamline your communication and enhance your SMS marketing efforts? Give Textedly a try today and experience how effortless managing your OOO messages can be!