<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://q.quora.com/_/ad/3ba228b818d84df89534851d45d08489/pixel?tag=ViewContent&amp;noscript=1">
Nov 29, 2022

The healthcare industry plays a vital role in society. As immediate, reliable communication is essential between providers and their patients, what better way to connect with patients than through medical text messaging?

Jessie Chantel
Nov 2, 2022

Business texting stats show that SMS texting is one of the most effective marketing channels available today, contributing to its growing popularity.

Jessie Chantel
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SMS Marketing
Jul 22, 2022

Killer Text Message Templates for Salons and Spas

It’s almost impossible to grow your business without retaining existing customers. If you own a hair salon, nail salon or spa business and want to increase your clientele while providing excellent customer service, look no further than SMS marketing. It’s an easy, low-cost way to communicate with your customers and build loyalty.

Eric Miller
SMS Marketing
Dec 23, 2018

5 Ways to Optimize Your SMS Campaign Strategy

SMS marketing is a powerful tool. Currently, SMS services are on top of all other marketing channels. In fact, the number of phone users has tripled over the past decade and reached 5 billion in 2018. This number simply leaves anyone speechless. More than the half of human population owns a phone, so isn’t this fact enough to start implementing SMS marketing into your other marketing channels? It surely is.

Eric Miller

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